jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008

The Emotional Trauma Cycle of the High School Student

This describes very well my perception of high school, and my experience in that hell hole. The show Daria is very very similar to my life, it's almost like someone took my life and put it in a cartoon and then showed it to the world. My best friend and I used to be like Daria and Jane, and still are (I think). Enjoy this little piece of art and have a good day.

pd. The trauma cycle keeps repeating over and over again....

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Primer pensamiento al ver el videito: "F*ck es ese es un zip drive!?! Estoy viejo..."

Mayvis dijo...

Si!! Yo tambien lo pense!!! Eso es algo que definitivamente mis hijos ya no conoceran....

Anónimo dijo...

Hell hole, but not your senior year, pls. not your senior year. Saludazo